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Departed dancehall artiste Ebony Reigns was expected to depart for Belgium Saturday until her fatal car crash late Thursday night at Mankranso in the Ashanti region.

Her father, Nana Opoku Kwarteng, who revealed this said, he is still in possession of his daughter’s travel documents and passport.

Priscilla Opoku-Kwarteng with stage name Ebony Reigns, was scheduled to perform at a show in Belgium on 17 February and later continue with her first European tour.

Before the Saturday flight, Ebony traveled to Sunyani in the Brong Ahafo region and informed her father.

Nana Kwarteng said he spoke to her “queen” (nana Hemaa) before her fatal trip from Accra Wednesday and expressed worry about her late travel.

Entertaining common fears of a father, Nana Opoku Kwarteng remembered asking her daughter “if she was driving because I was scared, it was late”.

Ebony Reigns assured him “her driver is the one going to drive and she would be accompanied by her bodyguard who is a soldier”, he told Joy News’ Maxwell Agbagba.

Nana Kwarteng last told her daughter to take care of herself.

But at about Friday 4am, he said he received a call that his “baby girl” was involved in an accident and did not survive.

Her soldier bodyguard and another lady, also died leaving the driver who is under intensive care.

The exciting 20-year old music talent due to turn 21 next Friday, was an amazing and special daughter to him, Nana Kwarteng eulogized.

“…she was a queen to me, that’ why from day one, she was named [Nana]Ohemaa, and the title showed her personality, he said and touted her daughter’s unique musical talents.

“I supported her fully, I could even choose for her what to wear”, he said.

Nana Kwarteng said he strongly believed that Ebony who grabbed national attention only two years ago was going to win the coveted Artiste of the Year in the upcoming Ghana Music Awards.

“…this is a great loss”, he mourned.


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